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Group Bookings

Would you like to book a group visit to the Musée de l’Orangerie? Please fill in the form below. This will only take a couple of minutes.
Before filling in the form, feel free to consult the pages of our website on the programme for groups of adults, schools and after-school centre groups, groups of disabled visitors and groups of visitors from disadvantaged social groups.

* Mandatory fields

Surname *

First name *

Business, organisation or establishment name

Email address *

Confirm email address *

Country *

Telephone number

Telephone number

No. and street name *

Additional address information
Postcode *
Town *

Is the payer different to the requester? *

Payer’s surname
Payer’s first name
Business, organisation or establishment name *

Email address *


No. and street name *

Additional address information
Postcode *
Town *

Your group is mainly composed of *
School children

Expected number of participants (reminder, a group must be formed of a maximum of 30 school pupils) *
Expected number of accompanying adults *

School year
Average age of participants
Is your establishment part of the Réseau d'Education Prioritaire network? *
Are there any visitors with reduced mobility or disabilities in your group?
Type of disability
Disabled persons

Expected number of participants (reminder, a group must be formed of a maximum of 30 people) *

Expected number of accompanying adults *

If this is a school visit, please give the year group
If this is a school visit, please give the age
Type of disability *
Visitors from disadvantaged social groups

Expected number of participants (reminder, a group must be formed of a maximum of 30 people) *

Expected number of accompanying adults *

If the participants are not French speakers, what is their level of French?
Are there any visitors with reduced mobility or disabilities in your group?
Type of disability

Expected number of participants (reminder, a group must be formed of a maximum of 30 people) *

Are there any visitors with reduced mobility or disabilities in your group?
Type of disability

Expected number of participants (reminder, a group must be formed of a maximum of 30 people) *

Are there any visitors with reduced mobility or disabilities in your group?
Type of disability
Activity reserved *
Tour with a museum guide
Unguided visit
Visit with an audioguide
Date - First choice *

Start time of visit - First choice *

Date - Second choice
Start time of visit - Second choice
Date - Third choice
Start time of visit - Third choice
Would you like to visit *
Which exhibition would you like to visit? *
A chosen theme for the visit
Selected language for the visit - First choice (subject to the availability of guides proficient in the requested language)
Selected language for the visit - Second choice (subject to the availability of guides proficient in the requested language)
Selected language for the audioguide *
Chosen theme for the workshop
Please give another other useful information concerning your visit * Mandatory fields